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I'm going to start here and promote Terry Russell's pet food store in Carrollton, Texas, Pet Extravaganza, because I became friends with him after he saved my sanity by solving Sasin's food sensitivities and eliminated almost all of her puking issues! She cannot handle grains outside of a little bread on human pasta dinner nights.

Google Maps Location:

Back to feeding... Apple Cider For Dogs!

Seriously? Yes...

Some of the latest news in RabidJackal Town is Apple Cider Vinegar for dogs. We researched this online briefly and decided to try it after reading on BetterPet and David Wolfe for ear infections. Echo's questionable deafness brought nothing we could use from the vet after a doctor friend suggested an ear infection. A really pricey widespread antibiotic helped briefly but the spinning and teeth chomping returned. Since Brag's Apple Cider Vinegar was was started, the spinning and chomping has disappeared within a couple days!

Yay, bottle we already had in stock! I printed the Shake! label so we'd actually remember to actually shake the bottle. Old dogs may be trainable but old people? Not so much....

Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
The first morning I tried 1 teaspoon of 50 % mix of water to ACV in the dogs' breakfast. I was expecting them to look at me like I betrayed but in fact, they LOVED it! They didn't act like pigs... until everyone was done and they each had to inspect each other's bowls. Maybe slowly introducing them to the tablespoon that's appropriate for their size really is what is helping Echo's hearing issues? Sadly, no. She has since gone deaf in old age. :(

*** Within a few months, however, she has gone deaf. So sign language for dogs is an interesting adventure but in the end, it means you're really connecting energetically and tapping into "mpm's intuition" and knowing what Echo wants or needs.

Onto the risk of hearing about how I'm not feeding the dogs correctly, I'll list what the food we give the dogs anyway. And why. Our dogs are middle-aged for the lifespan of Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes and one would not know it by looking at our dogs!

We give them Horizon Legacy dry food twice a day plus a Darford cookie for lunch or Momentum Carnivore Nutrition dehydrated meat treats. For training and grooming, they get rabbit flavored treats that they go absolutely bonkers for.

Anything naturally rabbit flavored is NOT cheap but it is cheaper than veterinary visits where you discuss ongoing health issues.

*** You need to be exceedingly careful with any kind of treat because more often than not they can get infested with little beetles!!! ***

The treats need to be kept separated in glass or plastic so the beetles can't eat through plastic bags and get everywhere else!

The rabbit treats we give are Nutrisource Rabbit Bites. The wet rabbit food we give is Evanger's Grain Free Rabbit. It's cheaper on Amazon if you can't get it locally.

Most recently, A friend introduced the dogs and I to ValuePet Supplies and their tripe chews. Wow. You'd think these were made of rabbit in the time it takes the chews to vaporize into a burp and memory! Thankfully, Sasin has NO issues with these at all — not even on days she's pukey from other things.

Northern breeds consider ice cubes a complete treat/reward so they get LOTS of those where they are in heaven, eating them while they lie on their sides and eat!

I found this picture on Reddit:

If ice is not available, snow will do....

In my case, they like quite a few cubes at a time. Instead of putting them on the floor, I put them in their metal bowls they had at the time. Not a wise idea as the cubes mostly froze to the bowls. My bad. When they get ice now, it's one at a time from a big cup. One at a time and each dog has to come for it and gently take it.

I try all different kinds of healthy additions to their meals. I'm still sorting through the 60,000 pics on my computer so they WILL come later! I saw them recently — I just don't remember where. :( Sasin and Banshee gnawing on Primal Raw Beef Marrow Bones:

*** I do NOT give our dogs rawhides anymore! And same goes for Milkbones! ***

Once upon a time when I was providing these things, Sasin would be throwing up a LOT — sometimes in 13 spots alllll over the carpet and house. A good friend who owns his own dog and cat food store showed me this about how rawhides are made video. I was sold. I happened to be there when a fellow customer showed the store owner and I what she gives her dog. The tummy troubles stopped 100 %!

To help alleviate boredom and satisfy their need to chew on these that best serve as a toothbrush our dogs get the occasional "moo tube" and non-rawhide chews.

Dogs get a dog Christmas every year and it's important to keep a tight rein on them because of the pack mentality/possessive nature! A squirt bottle keeps the balance with Sasin and whoever she won't share with:

Now, when it comes to mealtime, I've heard for years to feed Huskies separately for more space between them. While these Huskies are very food aggressive — as though they've not eaten in weeks or they're going to the chair, the primary problem became they'd eat so fast, burp and then Sasin would walk away and vomit. "Sassy" being "sassy", she'd eat it all again. Umm... no. I had to find a solution.

Outward Hound Slo Feed bowls. Mealtime went from MAYBE 2 minutes and change long to at least 5 minutes. No more inhaling, bloating and puking!

I bought each dog their own design and colored bowl. After observing them all at dinner, it became clear this bowl was a winner! Fun Feeder Slo Bowl by Outward Hound.

For Akula, I needed something more of a challenge. I found this on YouTube then found it on Amazon: Northmate Interactive Feeder.

It really slows him down. No more inhaling dinner!

Unfortunately, however, they are a bitch to clean. Dish washer top drawer ONLY. All 4 don't fit at once so cleaning is a challenge. Buyer beware!

That predatory nature I need to watch at feeding time... these bowls are perfect to cancel that out. They get so focused on obtaining the peace of kibble they're aiming for that they don't have time to look or think elsewhere so they can happily gobble their dinner side by side!